Krankenwagen transportiert im blauen Sack jemanden ab?
Hier war gerade ein Vorfall. Mehrere Feuerwehrautos, Polizei und ein Krankenwagen. Dann wurde die Person vom Krankenwagen in einem blauen Sack abtransportiert, aber das Gesicht war offen. Heißt das die Person lebt noch oder werden so auch Tote weggefahren?
The rescue service does not bring any dead. What kind of bag it was and what purpose it had, can’t be removed from your description. Some ideas have already been posted here.
Probably it was either a blanket or a vacuum mattress, which is used to shine the body. Dead people are not transported in the ambulance.
Blue could be a vacuum mattress. Used to calm down fractures.
Can have been a heat blanket and vacuum matratze to stabilize.
Actually, there’s nothing alive in bags. I assume he’s dead. 🫤
But that’s where the bag is made completely?
You might get it through the paper soon. I’d like to report.
Yes. Somehow there is no explanation, except that the patient was protected from viruses, cold, no idea 😅
No, probably the patient was in a vacuum mattress (which is used to shine). Dead people are never transported in the ambulance.
if the treppenhaus is too tight for a tragedy and the patient must be transported lying or stabilized, a rettungssack comes to use.
No paramedic puts a body in the car. The expense for cleaning is already enormous during normal transport. They’re not taking dead. That’s what we’re doing.
Then what was the blue sack?
I don’t know. Today the Heli came, circled, tried to land somewhere and stood half an hour in the Pampa. There are two approved and official landing sites. The van brought customers and the heli flew back. Every day there are new puzzles 🤷 ♀️
The blue bag serves in this case as a towel for sick or unhappy persons
No ambulance takes a dead person.
That’s true. But then why a blue sack? Protection of the patient or protection from him? 🤔