Krankenhauskeime unter der Vorhaut?
Ich hatte im April 2023 eine durchtrennung des Vorhautbändchens. Die ursprünglichen Beschwerden haben sich dadurch gebessert, allerdings haben ich seit längerer Zeit juckende, rötliche Vorhaut und Eichel, ferner bildet sich ein schmieriger Film unter der Vorhaut. Ich spüle nach jedem Toilettengang mit klaren Wasser. Ich hatte bereits vom Hautarzt eine Antipilz-Salbe. Da war ein paar Monate Ruhe, allerdings kam das Problem wieder.
könnte ich mir im Krankenhaus irgendwelche Keime eingefangen haben?
welche Maßnahmen sind anzuraten?
I had a mushroom ointment, after which it became better…toll…now the mushroom is back and I don’t take ointment, but only water and it won’t be better…
Instead of simply taking an ointment from the pharmacy, I’d rather ask if I got hospital germs under my foretaste?
Yes, if you open the doors with the penis, this is possible…
more likely it is the same, or a similar fungus and is away with the ointment ruck zuck.
How to have 1 mushroom as a man? I never had that
I can only come to one thought: uncleanness!
Go to a urologist and let it be treated.
Symptoms of hospital germs would have occurred at this point shortly after the operation.
The narrow film is the beginning of Smegma formation. That’s why it’s the one. You have to wash thoroughly with soap. Only with water is not enough.
Either the problem is solved. You know that after a few days. If the symptoms persist, you have a balanitis again, so a fungal infection. Then you have to go back to the Urologen.
It is unlikely that there is a connection with the hospital stay. These problems would have started immediately after that.
Action: From the doctor!