Krankenhaus verlassen?
Hallo, bin gerade Stationär im krankenhaus und muss für paar tage hier bleiben. Jedoch hab ich in 2 tagen ein fußballspiel was ich auf keinen fall verpassen möchte, es tut auch nicht meine gesundheit etc Schaden. Gäbe es aber eine Möglichkeit das krankenhaus zu verlassen, zum spiel zu gehen und wieder zurückzukehren so dass es das Krankenhaus auch erlaubt? Bitte um schnelle antwort.
No. If you’re good enough to join a game, you’re good enough to leave the hospital. Not at all.
No, not at all
I see
Should you discuss with your doctor?! If a stationary treatment is advised, not more. Got his reasons.
In principle, however, you can leave the hospital at your own request against medical advice (signature!).
This isn’t possible for health insurance alone. You have to be released or you have to be released on your own responsibility.
No, either you leave the hospital for your game and then you can go home or stay in the hospital, which would certainly be better for you. They only rarely say that they want to keep people there.
You can release yourself. Then you can’t go back in.
No. It doesn’t work.