Krankenhaus keim an zehen?

Ich war für einige Zeit im Krankenhaus und bin da fast täglich barfuß in meinem Zimmer und auch im Badezimmer gewesen mein Zimmer habe ich mir mit zwei anderen geteilt, seitdem ich wieder daheim bin, löst sich an vielen Stellen bei meinen Zehen vorne die Haut ab.

Habe ich im Krankenhaus einen Keim oder pilz aufgeschnappt und was tu ich jetzt am besten?

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6 months ago

Germs fly and do not jump freely through the air and they do not jump over the ground three times.

There are germs that can only be transmitted by “painting infection”, i.e. by direct contact. Often, however, screeds are routinely made. The classic hospital germ “MRSA” often sits in wounds and I have never seen (?)/very rare on the feet/foot soles…

Perhaps simply walking barefoot outside its own four walls is not the most sensible idea; especially if there is a lot of “fluctuation”.

I’m sure no one can tell you where it comes from. In doubt, just take a look at the doctor or even the foot care. It can also be a stupid coincidence that has nothing to do with hospitalization.

6 months ago

You can’t say that because you have to see how the skin looks like it detaches and what it might be. There’s nothing without a picture.

You have to see that there is no medical practice here either. Therefore, the best advice is to go to the doctor and ask briefly.

6 months ago

Foot mushroom itches and hurts. Maybe it’s just cornea because you’ve been walking around a lot less due to illness.