Krankenhaus findet keine Reha – Was tun?
Hallo Zusammen,
ich hab mal eine sehr wichtige Frage, die mich jetzt schon eine längere Zeit beschäftigt.
Meine Mutter hat einen schweren Krankheitsverlauf hinter sich mit OP‘s und und und. Demnach ist sie seit dem 12.12.2022 Bettlägerig. Seit gut zwei Wochen, liegt sie auf Normalstation. Davor war sie die ganze Zeit auf intensiv. Natürlich nehmen innerhalb von 2 Monaten die Muskeln extrem ab sowie ihr körperlicher Zustand. Sie kann aktuell die Hände bewegen, aber mehr auch nicht.
Es hieß schon so lange, dass sie eine Reha suchen, aber es kam aktuell noch nichts bei rum.
“Wir kümmern uns drum, wir kümmern uns drum“ heißt es. Aber irgendwie.. wird’s einfach nichts. Aktuell nur Absagen und die anderen melden sich nicht.
Ich hab auch gelesen, dass eine Reha maximal nach 14 Tagen der Behandlung gefunden sein sollte/ soll.
Können wir als Angehörige noch was machen? Der Hausarzt meinte, er kann nichts tun. Unsere nächste Anlaufstelle wäre jetzt zusätzlich mal noch die Krankenkasse.
Also falls ihr Ideen habt: bitte immer her damit. Wir wissen echt nicht mehr weiter.
Danke und liebe Grüße!
P.S.: Ich möchte hier niemanden angreifen. Weder Pfleger, Schwestern oder Ärzte. Ich weiß, dass Personalmangel etc. herrscht. Aber ich möchte endlich, dass meine Mama auf die Beine kommt.
Phone your mother’s health insurance. In addition, apply for a degree of care and ask for these things at the sickness fund. They can suddenly be fixed.
Is definitely not the most decent solution. Allow yourself a Germany-wide search.
The health insurance is also obliged to pay a private jack for a rehab unless otherwise.
I get three surgery this year from the checkout paid to run in private clinics because otherwise it is not possible. Check with the cash register and for emergency with a lawyer what possibilities exist.
In the hospital itself, the first measures should be carried out, at least after his accident my friend has already received physiotherapy in the hospital and has been expelled from there to rehab. So, basically, there should be a start in the hospital 🙄 degree in case of bed-riddenness that no contractors arise.
If no rehab is possible, my idea would still be to look after short-term care and then simply let a physiotherapist come.
Hello, thank you for your answer!
In fact, someone comes from the physio under the week. But this has also been since January and for a maximum of 20 min.
I know too little to judge how far you can or can go. how much this brings.
We keep this in mind with short-term care! Thank you.
I don’t think it’s up to the people who are trying to get a Reha place for your mother, that it hasn’t worked yet. You write, your mother’s begging. She’s probably too sick and weak for a rehab treatment. At the rehab, attempts are made to mobilize the patients again. Exercises are done, it is sometimes migrated, blurred, or you do exercises in the gym there on the devices, kicks on the home trainer to become faster and fitter again. Your mother can’t do all that.
By the way, rehab does not necessarily have to take place 14 days after treatment. I’ve been to rehab for half a year after the operation.
Hello, thank you for your answer!
But that’s exactly what it is: at some point, they have to mobilize them again or mobilize them. in such a way that it can settle or run again at least independently.
It doesn’t happen out of the blue that she can move her legs again. There’s got to be trained staff who know about it. Especially the hospital says they’re looking for a rehab. I also believe that the hospital is simply unable or has the time or equipment to mobilize people again.
Annex: In 2016, she had an open heart surgery. The rehab came within 3 days.
It is probably because it now has a completely different degree of severity than at that time.
But as I said, there’s something you can do
Try your luck – best personal – at the health insurance!
I went similar after the rehab, I got no place in the following program