Krank machen wegen Führerschein?

Ich würde gerne Krankmachen wegen der Führerscheinprüfung habe aber Angst weil ich in der Ausbildung bin können die hier bei der Firma irgendwie sehen dass ich trotz krankschreiben die Prüfung gefahren bin

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3 years ago

Just say that you have exam and ask for either holiday/free time compensation or ask if you can come later. Many will have had the problem sometime. One of my exams was a few days after the start of training at a time when I would never have been free…. an exception was made for the exam.

3 years ago

There is a very high likelihood that you’re cheating on yourself. You’ll tell someone when you’ve made/ passed the driving licence check.

It is often common that you proudly show your new driving license…

Stay with the truth and take the day off. Then everyone can enjoy it later when you passed it.

3 years ago

Take a day vacation if this is essential, or talk to the training company whether you can come later or go earlier.

Make sick though you’re not sick is a very stupid idea.

3 years ago

What the fuck? Say that you have the exam and ask for a day vacation or to be able to catch the hours.