Krank im 1. Arbeitsmonat, Kündigung?
ich habe am 01.11.2024 in einem Kindergarten neu angefangen.
Ich war in der 2. Woche für 2 Tage krank.
Seit dieser Woche liege ich mit Erkältung und Paukenerguss flach.
Der Arzt hat mich für die ganze Woche krankgeschrieben.
Hatte mich aber beim Arbeitgeber erstmal nur bis einschließlich heute krankgemeldet.
Es geht mir gesundheitlich aber noch nicht besser….
Allerdings habe ich Angst, mich für den Rest der Woche krankzumelden.
Somit hätte ich innerhalb von 4 Wochen 7 Krankheitstage…
Hat jemand einen Rat für mich?
Habe Angst gekündigt zu werden, bin ja noch in der Probezeit….
It doesn’t matter if you’re going to work sick, you’re gonna be all the others.
If you do well at work, then the likelihood of termination is rather low.
always arrives at the workstation, usually you are not cancelled but do not exist when you are sick.
Your employer must not, in principle, announce you for illness. However, you are still in the trial period. In this he may dismiss you in due time without giving reasons.
I think I’d grab the phone at your place and search for the open word, so just by phone explain to your contact person that you don’t feel better yet, but the place is very important to you. I always like it as a staff member if you just speak openly.
Good improvement!
Regardless of the trial period: Yes, you can also be terminated due to illness. However, this has high requirements and is not so easy to do – but is basically possible.
Turn to your health insurance. In the first 4 weeks of a new job, there is no wage repayment in the case of illness, you want money for the time, then you get sick money.
Whether your AG announces you or not, nobody can tell you here, you can’t do much.
in the first 4 weeks it is not a financial loss for the employer as you do not have any wage repayment, you can’t do anything against illness, but it makes a very bad impression, and whether you take it as an occasion to terminate in the trial period, you have to wait.
but remember that you have to apply for sickness money at your KK or you will not get any money for the AU days.