Krank auf Stube als Rekrut. Was darf ich alles (Bundeswehr)?
Hey, ich bin derzeit Krank auf Stube als Rekrut. Meine Frage ist: was darf ich alles?
darf ich ans Handy gehen und TV schauen?
darf ich essen gehen in die Truppenküche?
darf ich sogar die Kaserne zum Einkaufen verlassen?
bin mir ziemlich unsicher was ich alles darf😅
Don’t know why. Sickness doesn’t mean you don’t want to keep up
If you can do something you have to eat and Corona is over.
After service yes. They can’t arrest you just because you’re sick. No more.
He’s not in service, so he can also go shopping during the service.
You’re free from all services and you’re not going home. Well, you can do what you want if the doctor has ordered you nothing else.
you may ask the servant officer
Sergeant. If he does. Captain, he’s getting a blast.
Eben, because he hates new sick people. Although I’m really sick and not a Simulant.
I can understand. If someone doesn’t make the Aga, he’ll be responsible for it and there are a lot of simulators I’ve experienced myself. Do people who are really sick then are of course bad luck.