Krampfartige Schmerzen im unteren Rücken?
Hallo ich hab wie so Krämpfe im unteren Rücken was kann ich dagegen tun ? Woher kann das kommen ? Sollte ich zum Arzt ?
Hallo ich hab wie so Krämpfe im unteren Rücken was kann ich dagegen tun ? Woher kann das kommen ? Sollte ich zum Arzt ?
Ab welchem Alter kann man eine Lipödem Op machen?
Hi, I'm 15, and I've had asthma since I was a baby. Today, after five years, I had a lung function test. The doctor said my lungs were fine both with and without exercise. I've now been given a weaker spray. Can I just take it now? Or do I have to taper off somehow?…
Good evening. I've had severe heartburn since this morning (at least I think so) and I've never had it before in my life. Unfortunately, it got worse throughout the day, and now in the evening, it's so annoying that I can't sleep. I poured myself some water and am now only drinking that for now,…
Unfortunately, this can be everything from kidney stones to spine. This can only be explained medically and possibly in the ultrasound image.