krampf im unterleib?
hallo, hatte heute morgen einen richtig starken krampf im unterleib und konnte dann für paar sekunden nicht mal richrig stehen weil das so weh tat. meine periode ist auch seit 65 tagen verspätet, woran könnte das liegen? (bin nicht schwanger)
The shift of the period can have many causes.
These include:
If she doesn’t come for 3 months, or suddenly it should be very irregular, then you should go to the gynecologist for the purpose.
Why you suddenly had strong but short-lasting pain, I can’t tell you. But I can tell you that many have already experienced it, I too. I don’t know why this happens sometimes, but my theory is that sometimes something is jammed or just cramped. The uterus consists of muscles that can sometimes scratch, be the trigger a wrong posture or a full bubble.
I hope I could help you 🙃
Good luck 🍀
Are you mad?
I am not