Kralle vom Hund verfärbt sich?
Hallo, mein Yorkie-Chihuahua-Mix hat sich vorhin an seiner Pfote genagt. Als ich nachsah fiel mir eine merkwürdige Verfärbung der Daumenkralle auf. An der Stelle hat er auch geknabbert und geleckt.
Weiß jemand was das zu bedeuten hat?
Danke im Vorraus.
How do the other claws look? Was the claw always like that?
I know from a cat that due paw bales and claws can have different colors.
In any case, any injury to the claw?
The other claws are bright. As far as I know this has never been so. Thank you for your answer
Can he have hurt his claw?
Otherwise at the next TA visit show 😃
Some of my bitch’s claws have faded after she was over two years old. I couldn’t explain this to a veterinarian, but I was assured that I didn’t have to worry.