Does it cost money to call an ambulance?
In case of a real emergency such as a heart attack etc.
In case of a real emergency such as a heart attack etc.
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…(so permanent, that it does not go away, e.g. in case of venous weakness?) see above
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frage steht oben an euch nachteulen ^^
No, the treatment and advice on site is free for the patient or the caller.
If the patient is transported to a hospital, the health insurance will pay (if the patient is insured). However, in the case of statutory health insurance funds, a payment of 5 to 10 euros is to be made. Under certain conditions, you can be exempted from this payment.
Unfortunately, the “non-real” emergencies are usually taken over by the health insurance companies. And so I do not mean any doubts, but quite clearly taxi rides with medical care and people who use this cheatcode to bypass an expensive taxi ride (with a real taxi).
Of course the money costs – but for that you are insured, the health insurance pays. Only the legal payment of 10 € you have to pay yourself – if you are not free of payments.
No normally not.
Legally ill-intended people get the service without payment.
Private sick persons may sign an assignment of the refund rights, otherwise they receive a private invoice, as with any medical service/treatment, which they may submit to the sickness fund for reimbursement. Then the patient must pay it first and get his money back from the health insurance.
If you don’t have health insurance, you’ll get an invoice. But compared to the hospital, the transport there is your smaller problem.
No, it’s the health insurance.
It looks different when you call the rescue unjustified. Then you can pay yourself.
Hello first.
NO… for God’s sake! What would this world be if you had to pay money for help? If you call Fake, of course, so for fun (which is of course no fun) it costs a lot of money, just to let penalty pay! I personally also find it very legitimate
I hope I could help you ⭐
Write down 10 euro
There are health insurance funds for this. For transport, you pay the legal surcharge of, I think 10 € – so it was with me at least when I used RTW and notary. It’s been years.
In case of an emergency not, in case of a fun call or a call without a real emergency, you must pay the bet
Of course.
But if there was a reason to do so, not you, but your health insurance.
Kostet nix, except for a maximum of 10€ for medicines, as these are among the payment regulations.
Is borne by health insurance
Not less than 5 euros, not more than 10 euros if you are not exempted from payment.
Every service costs money because someone has to pay the expense. For pleasure, no people sit around and wait for any calls. The question is, WER must pay it. If you call the RTW because of a broken foot, it will be charged to you because no immediate danger of life and reasonable alternatives, such as bus or taxi could have been chosen. It is possible at least to submit a trip to the health insurance fund – especially cheaper than RTW. It is intended for NOTES. In a heart attack, this is defakto! In this way, the health insurance company takes over the costs – but free of charge is such a service NIE! It’s all about who’s wearing it! In this case, the health insurance and thus all insured persons are proportional to your contributions.
Absolute bullshit.
This is complete cheese.. A fracture is quite an indication for a RTW- I want you to see how you drive comfortably with a fracture. And again wrong: The use is NOT charged to the patient except for the 10€ self-employment if it is not a BG case. And if you refer to the possibility of private billing, they can submit legally insured patients to the KK- these are taken over.
Hmmh! I didn’t have to pay any suspicions of heart attack. Never got a bill. If the doctor had told me something because I said from the beginning, it must be a ribbed inflammatory that pulled from the side to the heart, not vice versa…
In the accident, when someone took the driveway, and I, when I came back to me, and I landed in the ambulance, was written an invoice. I could pass on to the insurance of the accident opponent, but you were put. Good 70 euros if I were still quite out of mind.
It costs NOT
Soooo friend, tell me.
then explained
“as it is today, I do not follow.”… Yes, if you give yourself that you have no idea about the subject, why don’t you leave it to say that? 🤔
Instead, you simply advise that you have to pay and give it as a fact from 🤷 ♂️
The bill then went to your KK, but it has seen that it is not responsible for a third indebted traffic accident and has sent you the bill so that you can pass it on…. Complete normal procedure and has nothing to do with your fracture. So here too, you guessed and it was a fact.
A suspicion of fracture is very good rescue service, as professional beauty is important to avoid further damage and pain. As patients have no X-ray vision, the suspicion is sufficient.
In addition, a broken foot also poses an obstacle to movement, even for this a professional transport would be appropriate, i.e. again a transport ground for the rescue service.
I think it’s sweet…. Three people meanwhile told you you’re wrong. With the other two, a short look at the profile shows that these are rescue workers. Not with me, but I assure you that I was in the RD for 6 years and currently study medicine….
So you have to do it with much more expertise than you present yourself with your anecdotes, but hair on it better to know….
And then you’re going to go to others because they don’t use the perfect words…. Full movie:D
I’ve got my last break, wait, right! Over 40 years. The taxi ride was taken over at that time. As it is today, I followed, due to lack of confrontation, not further. But I had an accident, with a driveway where I landed in the ambulance. An invoice of 70 euros was made. I could pass on to the insurance of the loser, but it was put. For an open break a RTW is certainly shown. If there is a suspicion of breakage, however, a RTW is less likely to be displayed – although it is worthy of treatment, it is not so time-critical that there is a risk of life. The RTW, which is requested for such a trip, is defakto blocked for cardiac infarct cases, e.g., or severe traffic accidents. This is then rather a case for a medical transport – there is also and it also has blue light etc., but is not a RTW. The sentences are also happy – we had recently with the father-in-law…! He’s a private patient.
That you should pay the RTW yourself with a broken foot.
But you should also know that since two other users have long said that it is nonsense. With yourself you don’t seem to take it so accurately 🙂
What’s wrong with that? Let me go.
Drawing pedantic 🤷
Especially if you have given such a wrong answer
No. I know what you mean, but it’s wrong because there’s nothing in vain. There is someone who has to pay! This is based on parity. But that is not really clear to many, so I can say that! It ultimately pays ALL for it – also those who complain about rising cash contributions. Of course it is justified here. However, there are also people who call for “smooth pain”, in part, which you already have 2 days, a RTW – best on weekends. Instead of simply going to the family doctor on Fridays, etc…
You can also understand answers deliberately wrong to provoke.
Heeey come rounda alda
for me this is the klas kloa, for the other one maybe not like that!
it is clear that the question was whether he himself has to pay hundreds of euros. Logically it makes the health insurance.
Just pointless to ride on words of rum when everyone knows what was meant.
Call me a service provider who gives you a service, “FREUNDCHEN”. Only the correct question is who bears the costs. Since heart attack is a recognized emergency, the costs in the case bear the health insurance and thus ALL SECTIONS about your contributions. Kloa, “girlfriend”? Or is it?