Kostenvoranschlag vom Tüv?
ich habe einen Termin auf dem Landratsamt um den Kostenvoranschlag vom Tüv für meinen Führerschein zu bezahlen (-> ich habe bis jetzt noch keinen Kostenvoranschlag erhalten, somit wurde der Antrag noch nicht bearbeitet)
Da ich die Theorieprüfung jedoch schnellstmöglich machen möchte, werde ich die Summe direkt auf dem Landratsamt bezahlen.
Bin ich dann direkt für die Theorieprüfung zugelassen, oder muss der Antrag trotzdem erst vom Tüv bearbeitet werden?
I’ve been wondering all the time about what a KOstenan suggestion you’re saying.
I’ve made a lot of driving licences, but there’s never been a cost estimate.
There are fixed fees which are publicly available or can also be requested in the driving school.
Actually, you pay these fees directly in the driving school, but of course that can have been changed.
A payment has nothing to do with a notification or something. You’ve got to pay for what’s done by the state council.
the Landrat Office shall forward the application to the Tüv. From the Tüv you get the cost estimate by post and only when the paid is I can make the theoretical examination. my question is if I can do the exam even after I give the money to the Landratsamt instead of waiting for the Tüv.
The Tüv does the exam, right?? That is why you have to wait for the Tüv.
the Landrat Office told me that it is possible to pay with them so that it can be faster.
I pay the fees all in the driving school, which also registers me for testing
So legally binding I can’t tell you that – but I’d guess “no”.
the Landrat Office told me that it is possible to pay with them so that it can be faster.
but I don’t know if I’m already admitted to the test automatically.
the Tüv does not issue an estimate of costs, which will be the registration fees for the written examination, which must pay without payment no examination.