Kostenlose Mastercard?
Moin. Das war jetzt so das Beste was ich gefunden habe. Bin aber nicht so der Spezialist. Suche prinzipiell einfach eine MasterCard ohne Gebühr die über mein vorhandenes Girokonto läuft. Danke euch.
With the Advanzia Bank’s “Free Mastercard Gold” I have had good experiences.
If you don’t use it, it doesn’t cause any costs, and if you use it, you will receive an invoice next month by email, which you will have to pay within about two weeks by transfer.
Only the possibility of partial payment should not be used on this card because then high interest rates are required, but if you pay the due amount completely and in time, that is not a problem.
https://www.gebuhrenfrei.com or https://www.frei.de (various websites, but the same offer)
There are also variants with other designs, but same conditions as e.g. B. https://krombacher.cardnmore.com/ or https://www.eventim.de/campaign/eventimcard (In the case of these cards, in contrast to the original card, the invoice amount can also be received by direct debit.)
Thank you for the detailed contribution! I think I’ll try the first one. Become rarely used. Only if it’s not different.
it is annoying to have to make the transfer every month. Even if it was a regular time order, I don’t know… . Who can read is clearly in the advantage: I will take the last! thank you
I have the Free Mastercard GOLD – http://www.gebuhrenfrei.com | Home and then https://www.eventim.de/campaign/eventimcard because I had done it, that one should always be behind it at first.
You asked for both?
Since both cards are issued by the same bank, you will probably get a query which of the two cards you want to have right now.
The Advanzia Bank’s “Free Mastercard Gold” is also sent as I said. Do you have to reject it or do you no longer need to report if it reaches me by mail and I don’t want it?