Kostenlos an Unis bewerben?


Ich habe meine allgemeine Hochschulreife vor kurzem erhalten und wollte mich nun bewerben.

Ich habe bisher nur Seiten gefunden, an denen man sich anmelden, Studiengänge auswählen und dann für die Bewerbung bezahlen muss.

Allerdings gebe ich kein Geld dafür aus, mich zu bewerben, dessen Preis sich auf die 100 zu bewegt – pro Bewerbung.

Ich würde mich freuen, wenn mir jemand helfen könnte, Seiten für Online-Bewerbungen zu finden, ohne Geld auszugeben.

Ich wollte mich in Bremen, Hamburg, Berlin, Brandenburg, Hannover, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern und Nordrhein-Westfalen bewerben.

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7 months ago

Did you want to write in directly? In most cases, the enrollment will be valid if you are to transfer the first semester amount. In itself, however, an application is always free.

8 months ago

Where did you ask?

Applying at public universities is free of charge. You have either expensive private colleges at the lap or any service providers that take you money out of your pocket to do something you can do in half an hour.

The rule is that you apply to the respective university. Say, you go to the website of the XY University, to the info pages to the desired degree program and have a button “Apply” there somewhere. And you can also do this with 50 different universities.

For some courses, the courses are awarded centrally (medical), which then runs through the University Start page. In addition, some universities who do not want to complete the application procedures themselves can handle this from university start as a service provider for some of their degree programs. It doesn’t cost anything.

And from all this, of course, half of all courses are free of registration, i.e. you don’t have to apply at all, but you can write in directly (= log in) and get started.


Please also look at the application deadlines! They like to be over in mid-July, i.e. in the next days. So you’ll have to sprinkle.

8 months ago

Are you really on the UNI side?

Or are they any abduction pages

8 months ago

I have only found pages where you need to register, choose courses and then pay for the application.

However, I don’t give money to apply for the price of which is 100 – per application.

I’ve never heard that before!

You can inform yourself about the application methods at each university / HS and apply directly there.

Some will be centrally awarded, but even there the registration is free!

8 months ago

I’ve never heard that before.

Apply for Unis is generally free (additional costs for postage or certified copies). Also with restricted courses.

8 months ago

you need to apply directly to the unis and this is free.

the only thing that costs is to make additional certified copies of the certificate when applying to many unis.

8 months ago

Why don’t you just give us some pages on which the application costs are.

By what strange (maybe private?) Are you talking about application portals?