Kosten Wunschkaiserschnitt?


ich habe gelesen, dass schwangere Frauen (in Deutschland), die per Kaiserschnitt gebären möchten, bei denen jedoch keine medizinische Indikation dazu vorliegt, diesen selbst bezahlen müssen (3.000 bis 4.000 Euro). Stimmt das? Muss eine Frau für ihre Entscheidungsfreiheit im Hinblick auf die Gebärmethode tatsächlich Geld zahlen?

Was ist denn bei Frauen, die starke Ängste vor der natürlichen Geburt haben oder sogar unter Angststörungen leiden, sich aber einen Wunschkaiserschnitt nicht leisten können? – Kann man die dazu zwingen, gegen ihren Willen auf natürliche Weise (Vaginalgeburt) zu gebären?

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1 year ago

It is true that the costs are not taken over by the health insurance company without medical need, but it is always possible to find an indication with the treating FA so that no woman has to pay for a desired Kaiserschnitt.

1 year ago
Reply to  sammyok

Doctors can’t find any medical indications, they’ll cost the job. And the admission.

1 year ago

DANKE bullet! No matter what you think – now you’re probably misogyn – like me, because of my answer. I’ve had a case, the wound is not cured, i.e. everything has been tried: VacTherapy, again and again necroses, the end was her death baby then 5 months, so long she fought. If you don’t have to, you should avoid it. But some find it’s part of the lifestyle and then still a wish date.

1 year ago

This has nothing to do with respect, you can’t deny anyone anything so that he can fuck the insurance. A wish-sectio is unnecessary and above all an unnecessary risk. No one would simply let the belly slit out of fun to remove, for example, Kot, because he has panic in front of the chair. That would be absurd, don’t you think? So why in a release? This is just as natural!

Imperial cuts are sensible. In medical indication and emergency, but not because the mother is afraid to give birth to a child. Then she should consider not getting children.

Especially since a Sectio is underestimated! You don’t have any pain during birth, but the afterweeds are much worse by the scar and you can’t imagine the wound pain. Besides, you don’t think what you need all the abdominal muscles. So why exchange a few hours of labor plus a few minutes of birth for two months of total pain and incompetence?

1 year ago

If women have too strong fears, they should consider giving up a child.

An imperial circumcision is more expensive than a vaginal confinement and therefore the bearer, if she wants to withdraw the vaginal birth only for any reason that is not medical, then she has to pay for it.

1 year ago
Reply to  LucaRica32

Your opinion- my opinion, I’ll stand like that. A vaginal birth is the natural way every woman should know before conception. And since I myself am one, your “misygyn” is indispensable.

1 year ago

An anxiety disorder is again a diagnosis and possibly an indication. But I don’t think you have to pay. I had one due to predisorders. I absolutely cannot recommend it!

everything was a catastrophe, quiet, lack of attachment to the child, gave it to me after birth, even though he was fit.
at a vaginal birth, you have the pain in the moment and afterward. But in an imperial section it takes longer. You must not wear your child in the tragedy for the first 6 weeks, since you shall not lift the 5 kg. You’re immobile and not so mobile. It’s been disturbed. I’d rather have escaped spontaneously.

1 year ago
Reply to  LucaRica32

Many imagine it easier than it is.