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1 year ago


In accordance with EU standard ECE R48, replacement lights should also be found in Germany in the new car (light box) from 2007 onwards and the instructions for mounting the light bulb in the on-board guide. According to the EU standard, every KFZ driver has been able to change the bulb independently in less than 5 minutes since 2007. If this is not the case, the brand workshop must make the “free” or they may only charge the lighting means and 1AW (5 minutes). The rest must/soll get the workshop from the car manufacturer. In my knowledge, there has been no judgement in DE for 15 years on the subject or whether it concerns only new cars after 2007 because the EU lamp regulation has already existed in 1990s.

This is why the “light days” are available in autumn at workshops or at TÜV/DEKRA/GTÜ

Brands Leuchmittel cost in a two pack from 1€ piece in the construction market, at the tanks are 3-5€ in a double pack. Brand workshops also calculate 5€ per light source that costs 30 cent/piece in the 100 pack. However, there are manufacturers who have the special Longife Quartzglaslilluminants to grow the cost of the 10 times in purchasing and to keep a “car life” long (i.e. 5 years/160000km). These bulbs are in some USA federal states

Lamp sets with china waste products are available from 3€ I guess a Dunlop set to the H7 car base type from 8€. While China parts are also qualiative like Würth or Berner and the set contains fuses, plastic gloves and plastic tools.

VW has something

With LED backlights you usually have to renew the complete unit

1 year ago

depends on what needs to be repaired

1 year ago

maybe 50 euro if you do it yourself.

good used backlight at ebay shooting and even changing the ding, you get loose in self-help.

simply look at youtube video, then that is absolutely no hexenwerk.

1 year ago
Reply to  Krdln23

have you been getting off the line?

1 year ago

then the field remains unfilled. the lack has to be properly eliminated, that is.

1 year ago

It is not that you must do this in the workshop. you can do this yourself. then introduce the car, deficient, finished!