Kosten Reitstunden?


Seit einiger Zeit kommen ein paar Mädchen zum Reiten auf meinem 6 jährigen Shetty Wallach. Sie können noch nicht so gut reiten und lernen es gerade auf meinem Pony. Es ist wie eine Reitstunde, die Kinder kommen, putzen und reiten, ich bin immer dabei und “lerne” ihnen sozusagen wie man reitet. Ich habe aber keine Ausbildung zur Reitinstruktorin oder ähnliches. Trotzdem überlege ich mir jedes Mal Aufgaben, mit denen sie spielerisch reiten lernen. Das Pferd ist gut ausgebildet und ein super Schulpferd.

Nun meine Frage: Wie viel sollte das kosten?

Ich freue mich auf nette Antworten 🤗

P.S. Ich habe die Reiternadel und kann soweit gut reiten.

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1 year ago

If you don’t sign up for it, it’s quite unpaid. You have to take a lot of money to pay all the punishments that come to you.

Otherwise, you have to watch that you all shape it so that it is definitely a care-sharing relationship that has to be clearly defined by teaching. Here you also have to watch that it is quite clear not to be interpreted as having a winner’s intention, otherwise you also have to register with all the consequences.

1 year ago

In theory, everyone can call themselves a riding teacher because this is not a protected term.

Without qualification, I would take minimum wage (12€).

Please be careful that the horse liability insurance also includes foreigners, since an accident can never be completely excluded even with the favorite school horse.

And leave the children on the horse only with suitable footwear and helmet.

1 year ago

In addition to a corresponding insurance, you have to get the parents to the boat, they must be 100% in agreement and look at the matter on site several times!

1 year ago

Since you are not a real riding instructor, I would take a maximum of 8€ for it.

However, good reserves, if anything happens. Parents will tear you in the air when one of the children comes in. Even if parents know. This is always the “responsor” to blame.
Then, of course, there might be a lot of trouble, as you probably don’t have to log on.

1 year ago

If you don’t do it professionally, just a flat-rate amount like a care share. And pay attention to insurance! If you do this right for money and “hours’ wages”, you will have quite a lot of administrative burden with it at the back.

1 year ago

I’d have said so badly 15€ because you really teach the children to ride in a playful way. Also clean, etc., so bad €15

1 year ago

If this takes place regularly and against money, the tax office can provide you with a profit-making intention – so taxes are due. You need an RL liability and a school horse insurance. Whether you have a trainer’s license or not, doesn’t matter. Riding instructor is not a protected term.

I think more than a minimum wage for pony rides on a shetty without a professional trainer is not appropriate.

1 year ago
Reply to  Hjalti

This is definitely going out in love, the FA doesn’t care.

1 year ago
Reply to  Kisajelo

Lastly, only here had such a similar case that jmd really had stress with the FA, because he gave the children of the work colleague lessons. Two! The FA was very interested. It’s not soooo well for the person concerned.

1 year ago

I can’t tell you exactly, I have 3 horses in self-reality at the house. Once the required insurance has been completed, trainer C has also done before eternal times. Nearly per child and lesson (each child 2 lessons/week) 35€. The tax office said that he had to apply for a tax no. More I don’t know only that the person concerned would have to pay money afterwards.

1 year ago

That’s what I’m interested in. Expenditure is far above revenue…

1 year ago

I would ask for 10 euros per hour. 🩵Oder just once free.

1 year ago

on a Shetty riding class? Ask me how old the girls are? Because they are actually only suitable for small children Take regularly money a business has to be registered.

1 year ago

I find 12 euros an hour should be paid at least. And they’ll take you more time!