Kosten Medikamente in allen Apotheken gleich viel?
Oder verlangen manche mehr als andere?
Oder verlangen manche mehr als andere?
Was ist für euch die schönste Großstadt Deutschlands?
Könnte man quetiapin (tabletten) flüssig machen indem man z.b. mit Wasser oder Wasser und Feuer?so das man es sich spritzen kann .
Hallo, ich habe eine Frage bezüglich der Impfung für kinder. Ich habe meinem auch die Schluckimpfung geben lassen. Das heißt er hat es schon zwei mal bekommen. Da es kein Muss ist, würde ich es gerne nächstes mal vermeiden. Kann man das sein lassen. Oder muss man ein weiteres Mal geben wenn ma schon zwei…
No there are differences.
Above all in online pharmacies, you get medicines significantly cheaper than in normal pharmacies.
for freely commercial medicines, the pharmacies can determine the price themselves, so that price differences can occur between the pharmacies. In the case of prescription drugs, the price is fixed, which is the same in each pharmacy.
Acts the case that the same drug is spent. It may be that the KK has discount contracts with manufacturer A and B and pharmacy has 1 manufacturer A in stock and issues and pharmacy 2 manufacturer B. There, there can then be price differences within the 5-10€ surcharge.
If you refer to the payment, there can of course be differences. These arise only when the health insurance for a discount partner waives the prescription fee. If the prescription fee is incurred, I have not yet experienced that the price difference from the most expensive and cheapest discounts was so large that different payments had to be made.
The surcharge is 10% of the drug price, but at least five and a maximum of ten euros. If a drug costs 60€ and the other 70€, you already have a euro difference in the surcharge.
Of course, this is not much and the difference for the patient is a maximum of 5€ (if one is below 50€ and the other is over 100€). I just wanted to mention it for the sake of completeness.
Of course, medicines at the main station are more expensive than in the country. A pharmacy is also just a supermarket.
All that is freely available can be determined by the pharmacist. Prescription medicines have a legal surcharge. It’s the same everywhere.
There is no price retention for medicines in this country, but indicative prices. And most pharmacies are independent companies.
So when you need to pay for prescription drugs or if you have to pay them privately then it will stay the same but with the freely available medicines as prescription-free there are sometimes differences and if there are only 20 or 30 cents I have already observed I don’t always go to the same pharmacy no there are sometimes differences also not extreme but with prescription-free medications or any other items Salbe Cream or something else there are differences
For medications on prescription, the pharmacy cannot take what she wants. Prices vary only with freely available medicines.
No, definitely not. Every pharmacy calculates differently, so there are also small differences. I’ve had it.
Most have fixed prices, but there are often (currently limited) special offers or also pharmacies that grant regular customers discounts.
For free selling drugs long, pharmacists are doing so properly.
At 4-5€ price difference, they may retain their product.
For free medication, any pharmacy can determine the price.