Kosten für einen Kupplungstausch beim Toyota Auris?
Bei unserem Toyota Auris (1,6 l Benziner) kommt die Kupplung im Stand im 3. Gang erst auf den letzten 3-5 cm Kupplungsweg. Auch beim Fahren merke ich dass sie durch ist…
Kann mir jemand sagen mit welchen Kosten ich für den Kupplungstausch rechnen muss? Vielleicht hat jemand von Euch sogar Erfahrungen bei diesem Wagen. Ich habe bereits meine KFZ-Werkstatt des Vertrauens angefragt, aber jetzt ist erstmal Wochenende.
about 800€
Search here: https://www.fairgarage.com/en-de/index.html I’ve been able to find out who’s doing the best.
Depends on whether free or contract workshop. The latter will certainly cost 4 digits. First under
It is a free workshop that I think has really fair prices and works very well.
The clutch is not up. Drive reasonable and you have a lot of trouble-free KM ahead of you.
I realize she’s through. I always have this big gap before he packs ..
Yeah, when you’re in your head, you always think about it. I also know from old days. Go to a workshop, Toyota, and check it out.
Costs should be around 500,- +/- Euro.
Try it in the 3rd gear at the location exit by hitting the gas pedal, it will whisk on the clutch otherwise everything is in order.
I can’t really understand your clutch testing.
The car is running, dragged hand brake, 3rd gear in and let clutch come slowly. If the engine starts early, the clutch is OK. In my car, however, the friction point is quite far up when the pedal is on the last 3-4 cm.