Kosten abtreibung 2 Wochen schwanger?


vor etwa 4 Wochen hatte ich ungeschützten Geschlechtsverkehr mit einer Frau, die danach die Notfallpille eingenommen hat. Eine Woche später hatten wir erneut Sex, und sie nahm erneut die Notfallpille ein. Vor ein paar Tagen hatten wir erneut Geschlechtsverkehr, woraufhin sie wieder eine Notfallpille besorgen wollte. Die Apothekerin erklärte ihr jedoch, dass die Notfallpille nur einmalig wirksam ist und sie sie bereits zweimal eingenommen hat. Insgesamt hatten wir 3 Mal ungeschützten Sex zu unterschiedlichen Zeitpunkten.

Nächste Woche wird sie einen Arzt aufsuchen, um festzustellen, ob sie schwanger ist oder nicht. Wir waren uns nicht bewusst, dass die Notfallpille nur einmal wirkt.

Meine Frage ist, falls sie 2 Wochen schwanger ist, welche Kosten würden für eine Abtreibung anfallen?

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11 months ago


The pill NOTE Pill. You could not just have unprotected intercourse every time and then take the pill after that does not work.

The pill After that is only effective when the ovulation was not yet. The ovulation takes place 14 days before the next period. So if you’re in the ovulation Prevention margin then the pill makes sense. The pill then shifts the ovulation by 5 days to the rear to prevent possible fertilization. If the ovulation has already been and it has taken the pill after that, it does not bring any more because there is no ovulation that you have to move and it can no longer be pregnant after the ovulation. The egg survives only 24 hours after that it is dead and until the period you can no longer get pregnant.

Your hormonal balance will now be completely messed up, which has taken too many hormones into your whole system. Well, that they stopped those in the pharmacy, that can make long-term problems. It will also probably soon notice the many hormones with altered or absent period, intermediate bleeding, mood fluctuations, skin impurities, tightening breasts, pain in the abdomen, heat flashes, etc. These symptoms could occur, but that doesn’t have to.

Your period will probably fail or come too late. That doesn’t mean she’s pregnant. This comes from the hormones in the pill then shift their cycle. When and whether they will get their period you can’t say no gynecologist.

I think pregnancy is extremely unlikely after so many hormones. If so, an abortion becomes approx. 500€, depending on the method and the federal state. Plant a lot of time (expulsion talks, reports etc.). Please keep away in the future! The pill after that is not a harmless smartie but a serious drug which should be used in emergencies and not because you simply had no bock to use a condom or similar. You should avoid the current handling of the pill and look for a lasting prevention, there are quite many!


I hope I could help you 🙃

Good luck 🍀



11 months ago
Reply to  Audilo24

Yeah, you got it right

11 months ago

The pill then shifts the ovulation backwards, you can’t swallow it like candy and then you won’t get pregnant.

If you’re popping, but you don’t want kids, then you’ll be safe.

An abortion costs around 500€. If she wanted to break down in case of a case. If not, keep up for the next decades.

11 months ago

Depending on the method used, anaesthesia and medical practice, an abortion costs between €350-650.

Next week she will visit a doctor to see if she is pregnant or not.

It’s pointless because too early.

It would be useful to pee on a pregnancy test from 19 days after the last unprotected traffic.

11 months ago

Depends on where you live, but I think 400,-

And please don’t have sex if you know exactly what can happen without prevention and have no idea of contraceptives!

11 months ago

So always the “Pille after” pure whistling is not a state, use a rubber…

11 months ago
Reply to  Audilo24

are you expecting a bouquet of flowers that you’re doing anywhere without a bag?!

11 months ago

Are you stupid and additionally brainwashed that you do not always prevent???

Totally unethical what you are doing!!

11 months ago

Hello Audilo,

You’re worried about a possible pregnancy?!

Good to know you here!

How’s the woman you’re asking for? Is she your girlfriend? Does she also be afraid and she feels something of the high hormone dose she took in so short time?

Jojo explained it well.

at the moment you can only wait because you simply cannot know how the hormones have worked.

Well, she’s planning on going to the doctor! Is she alone, or are you accompanying her? Do her courage to ask the doctor all the questions she has, yes?! The doctor will then be able to say more precisely.

For the time until then it would be important not to have another GV at the moment, because you simply cannot know where it is in the cycle. Not that there can only be a pregnancy.

I wish you and you that it’s going well.

And really good to inform you!




Would you be interested in the cycle talk, so when a woman can get pregnant at all?

Here in good question gave a good explanation:

That’s interesting for you as a man to know, right? And it also shows your interest for a woman.

You, (or even you yourself) can write if you have any questions.

11 months ago
Reply to  Audilo24

At the moment you can’t make a statement whether pregnant or not, because the PiDaNa could possibly bring everything together. I wish you good nerves to the doctor’s appointment. It’s strong you’re going to the doctor! Reports like to.

my love
