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2 years ago

In both.

I like both countries. An interesting culture and history, interest in its ethnocultural identity.

I found the habits and eating habits there partly very different to mean but I also liked them. Was something new and I can’t say that I didn’t like it or taste it.

Find the Japanese cat café’s wonderful

I like the languages even though I don’t speak them.

I find the handling of technology and technical innovation and other small and big ideas interesting and partly also really amusing zb the fully automatic toilets, tiny apartments or the sometimes very futuristic construction. For me here in Europe this would be nothing but I understand the need for this in these countries and find it quite appropriate there.

I found the people equally nice in both countries. Although distanced from strangers and just with the mind that you are strange and the people I had to do with wait for you to take the first step. But once you get in touch, the ice breaks a little.

Find the interest of many Koreans and Japanese in Europe and European culture, history and art etc. quite exciting, as I do not know that to the extent of course. It is logically rather different in terms of Asian and East Asian culture and history.

2 years ago

I was in Korea only in Seoul and Japan already in Tokyo, Kyoto, Kobe and Saitama.
To date, Japan has fallen a lot more than Korea. Japan was much more beautiful, nicer people, much cleaner and I liked Japan more generally because of culture.
South Korea has more like K-Pop because you’re in town and I don’t like it. Without a joke, Japan generally gives me very hard anime.
You can also speak English there.
With Kore you mean South Korea?