Wenn ein BH die Kleidergröße 158/164 hat
Welche Körbchengrösse wäre das dann?
Wenn ein BH die Kleidergröße 158/164 hat
Welche Körbchengrösse wäre das dann?
ich wollte euch mal fragen ob ihr mich groß findet denn manche sagen ich bin klein und andere wiederum groß und jzt bin ich verwirrt😅. bin fast 1,89 werde nächste Woche Mittwoch 18
Hallo ich bin 16(m) und mag das Gefühl von Mädchen kleidung und brauche Ratschläge zum kaufen von mädchen kleidung ( Unterwäsche, Strumpfhosen und Hosen und so)
Ich habe zwei Pakete von Shein erhalten, möchte die Sachen jetzt wieder zurückschicken aber die Sachen passen nicht in ein Packet. Kann ich jetzt einfach irgendeinen größeren Karton nehmen von mir zu Hause? Und dann dort eben das Rücksendelabel drauf?
Was ist eure Meinung zu Jungs in mädchen Kleidung (Unterwäsche)?
This cannot be converted, because 164 is a garment size for body size of normal weighted children or teenagers (child size).
The teen sizes start with the dress size 158 from about 13 years. For 14-year-olds Size 164 for 15 years the 170 and for 16 years the 176.
Where the size of the body does not have to be taken exactly, there is a clearance of approximately plus/minus 5cm for all garment sizes.
For a real bra you have to measure the upper and lower range.
For the upper width, the measuring tape is wound and measured around the widest point of the breast (at the level of the nipples). It should be loose and not squeeze the breasts together. The measuring tape must be both at the same chest and back height (so not sloping).
For the bottom, the measuring tape is wound and measured directly under the chest. It should be tight.
Often you hear this recommendation:
At the bottom, the measuring tape is tightly applied and somewhat looser at the top.
There is no real standard for measuring:
That’s why some measure forward. And/or exhaled. Or something else…
One of many online calculators:
164 is with the greatest child size there will be only a.
b the correct size tables you measure differently, as you had to apply twice, so you take the underbreast circumference under the chest at the approach, and the circumference directly at the top of the warts, with the two measurements you can find out what bra size you need.
Go to Kik there are direct children’s sizes (BH) and then what you use. Or directly into a specialist store and ask for them to help you better.