Kopiergeschützte DVD für den privatgebrauch kopieren?
angenommen man hat alte Spiele, die inzwischen als Abandonware gelten. Darf man die DVDs für den Privatgebrauch alle auf einen USB Stick kopieren?
Es könnte ja sein, dass die DVDs unbrauchbar werden mit der Zeit.
Danke im Vorraus!
You can make a security copy if you are owned by the original.
I own that. And with the security copy the same rules apply as with the original CD? Or are there sharper rules?
Then you can make a copy for private use. You can’t rent it without permission.
Great, thank you very much!
So, like the original DVD, right?
In principle, a data carrier is allowed to make exactly one security copy.
Why exactly one?
Because it’s in any paragraph.
The handling of copy protection is already illegal, so you can’t do it. But who’s gonna get this?
The handling of copying protection is hardly to be regarded as “hacking” and thus not per se illegal.
Has nothing to do with hacking, but the circumvention of protection from illegal reproduction, and is not allowed:
It is not about whether a private security copy is an illegal reproduction, but that you have to handle copy protection – see link.
A security copy is NOT an illegal reproduction.
Security copies for private use are not prohibited.
“Private” means in this context: The transfer, also to good friends, is excluded.
No, it’s just for me. Only I install it. I wouldn’t give him the original CD, that would be the transfer.
A private copy is allowed as long as no copy protection is bypassed,