Kopieren von dateien dauert sehr lange?
Heute habe ich das Problem,dass ich eine Datei die 1,23GB groß ist in ein anderen Ordner kopieren wollte. Ich dachte das würde relativ schnell gehen,doch leider sah ich dann, dass ich 355 kb per sekunde habe. Da steht es würde 3 Stunden dauern, bis das Kopieren fertig ist… (ich muss es in ein USB stick kopieren)
Davor war es glaub ich nie so,kann mir bitte jemand helfen?
You got vmtl a USB 2.0 stick or USB 2.0 port. This naturally slows down the whole.
Can you call more information about your case? Is it on the same device? What’s that stick? What’s your operating system? … You save very much…
So the stick has 32 GB and I put it on the back of the main board. It is both on my PC (so the file and the stick is also on the PC) it is a ZIP file that needs to be transferred. I have Windows 11 (the latest version)
Did you care to choose a USB 3.0 port or higher?
Does the USB stick support USB 3.0 or even higher?
By using another connection on the motherboard – if there is the one, USB 3.0 is usually colored for example blue – and using a USB stick that supports a higher version – this is not always easy to recognize when you no longer have the packaging.
This is poured into hardware and can be increased via programs or so. Either the hardware can get the transmission speed or not.
thanks and how can I make this version better?
This is the “Version” and thus links the maximum transmission speed. See
https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_Serial_Bus#Data rates
what does USB 1.0 or 2.0 etc?
So that’s the Zip datei. Because that’s just a compressed folder. So he still copies each file individually. Probably there are very many small files in there and then it’s normal that he only writes so slowly as he has to retrieve another file every time. To test another file that is big but actually only one file is on the USB stick. Maybe an ISO file.
A Zip file is a file and is copied as a file, regardless of how many files are packed into the zip file. Unless it is “opened” and files are copied individually. Then it is no longer language of “copying a zip file”.