Kopfweh bei Krankheit wegkriegen?


Ich bin heute richtig fett krank geworden (wahrscheinlich Grippe oder Corona) und mein Kopf tut sehr stark weh.

Normalerweise helfen da einfach Schmerzmittel also so Schmelz-/ Schlucktabletten aber heute irgendwie gar nicht. Ich habe auch schon verschiedene Sitz- und Liegepositionen ausprobiert, hilft aber auch nicht.

Hat jemand eine Idee, was ich ausprobieren könnte???

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1 month ago

Magnesium (Citrate) usually helps with headaches and even migraines. It’s too little known.

A deficiency of magnesium can lead, for example, to an overexcitability of muscle and nerve fibers.

The result is tensioning in the shoulder and neck area.

This can lead to a voltage headache.

You should drink enough water daily at least 2 liters. I always drink sober 1/2 liter of warm water that detoxifies the body. A lack of water prevents poisoning.

Warm water not only stimulates metabolism and accelerates digestion, but also has a positive influence on the cardiovascular system.

1 month ago

Not every headache can be treated with the same painkiller. Would recommend changing the painkiller!

In the strong headache of, among other things, in cold, helps me best aspirin or Grippostad as a painkiller very good.

With tension headaches, I almost only help ibuprofen.

It’s different for my children.

I can imagine how stressful it is and painful, but try another active ingredient. Not every pain responds to the same active ingredient. My wife has migraine that can confirm this and our big one had headaches as a child too often until he came to puberty. Talk here from experience

1 month ago

If you have tried various painkillers, try the following: minerals (especially magnesium) with b vitamins. If you still have aminos. That’s nice.

1 month ago

I always put on

Vitamin D3 /zinc,Vitamin C and Selenium .

Also Magnesium.

Good improvement .

Careful for acute relief :

Neo Citran.