Kopfschmerzen seit 2 Monaten keiner findet die Ursache :(?
Geht es jemanden genauso? Auf was könnte ich mich noch testen lassen? Es wurde ein mRt gemacht, Nervenwasser entnommen um Entzündungen im Kopf auszuschließen. Bluthochdruck gerät, Blut abgenommen, aber alles in Ordnung. Ich habe unerklärliche Kopfschmerzen mit Übelkeit, das zwingt mich im Bett zu bleiben. Ich kann doch mein ganzes Leben nicht damit leben und vor allem, warum hört es mal auf und kommt dann nach Tagen wieder?
Simple causes would be tensions, too little drunken/gone, migraine (so speaks nausea) etc
Best to go to a (head)pain specialist
Relaxation is good in any case, there are also pain patients who simply always have pain and need to learn to deal with it.
But I hope the cause is still found
Headaches are so nasty, I prefer to hurt foot or hurt fingers. I can’t imagine living with it. I don’t want to live anymore if that’s never gonna go away. Nobody’s holding it out. 😔
I’m getting the answerer. Tap Migraine. Do you hate light sensitivity, etc? Didn’t the neurologist say anything in this direction? Against migraine there is a lot that can help, but is very individual. I’ve been suffering from migraine since I was 16 years old, unfortunately even once a week. I got physiotherapy a relief, there are also menshen who do an autogenous training and after that almost never did anything with me. And yet it is possible to live with it;) all the more enjoyable every day when I get up without migraine ^^ let you not get small of it is stronger than your illness. It can also show you how much you can appreciate the healthy times.
Maybe a halved vortex blockade
The funny thing is, it started with a mini infect as swallow-complaining. I’m surprised.
Blood taken off, but all right….a story of a thousand and a night of school medicine.
What do you mean? So my MRT finding is there and there it is: Chronic sinusitis ethmoidalis and maxillaris on both sides. I don’t know what you want to say with your comment.
You don’t seriously believe that such 08 – 15 investigations have a lot of meaningfulness. One possibility is that you have an infectious disease that would be recognized quickly in the case of extended blood value studies. But this costs a lot of money, and the health insurance companies don’t like to pay. Other possibility is that it is a disease where you don’t get on with school medicine.