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9 months ago

Hi, headache or migraine? If you know exactly if you let it go. From more than 8 times a month this is no longer normal from 10 times a month, this is a very serious Sacha since untreated it can lead to brain skin inflammation. How it will retain and the treatment attacks has effects positive or negative. What means to keep incorrect with general painkillers can lead to the classic effect that a migraine or a migraine is caused by the painkillers. Headache attack gets. From 15 times a month, this is a chronically ill.

If you have accompanies to the headaches such as odor sensitivity, seeing disturbed, (migranes with aura), or light sensitivity, vomiting, or a feeling like underlying pain (is easier in men than in women), then it is a classic migraine. The absence of these accompanying phenomena is rather a headache.

A neurologist/in should be painful from 5 days on regular occurrences and at more than 2 days on uninterrupted.

The pediatrician can forget most can’t do much. Therefore specialist in neurology…

9 months ago

What symptoms do you have? Migraine is not the same headache and headache is not the same migraine. These are two totally different things.

If you really have migraine, I’d like to introduce myself to the neurologist. Because you’re in puberty, that can happen. The hormonal changes favor headaches.

But you can never say where headaches come from – especially not in a lay forum like here. This can have quite different reasons, from tensioning in the neck and shoulder area to too little drinking, that can be all. If you’re very limited, go to the doctor. Then you say everything, and it doesn’t hurt to get checked.

Hope you’ll be better soon and you’ll find the trigger.

8 months ago

That would be advisable, migraine can be triggered by everything possible and then it would be good to fight the cause

9 months ago

Do you have any stress, for example in school? Under certain circumstances, autogenous training, yoga and something helps to relax. This also helps against headache and migraine and so on.

9 months ago

It should be medically clarified whether it really is migraine or whether the headaches have a different cause.