Kopfhörer – In Ear ohne Kabel oder mit?


ich wollte mir Kopfhörer kaufen für eine Zugfahrt um Musik zu hören.

Findet ihr In Ears besser mit Kabel oder ohne (Bluetooth)? Bei Rossmann gibt es welche ohne Kabel. Kennt die jemand und weiß, ob die gut sind? Wie lange reicht der Akku?

Und kann man von einem Handy aus zu zweit Musik hören? Also kann man je zwei In Ears mit einem Handy verbinden, sodass zwei Leute gleichzeitig hören können?

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11 months ago

So 2 Bluetooth connection parallel will not go so only with a bluetooth dongle where you can connect a y cable.

Well, I’ve been doing music for 20 years and with Rossmann headphones, I’ve lost the pleasure of music, but everyone has to decide for themselves.

11 months ago

I recommend cable. You can turn off Bluetooth on the phone, which significantly improves battery life. Moreover, the sound via cable is simply better and not delayed.

If you have a micro on it, this is also better than Bluetooth headphones (unless you pay for the three-digit amounts).
Besides, you can’t lose them so easily and don’t have to recharge them.
At just under €20 for good headphones, you would have to pay much more for Bluetooth.
And if you have an Android phone, you can even use cable headphones as a radio antenna.

A disadvantage would be a limited freedom of movement, but you have it anyway.



11 months ago
Reply to  Krisskross19


They should be further usable unless the cable is somehow broken, they’re broken, …

Just try it out.

What should work with 2 Bluetooth headphones?

When it comes to the antenna, look here:

11 months ago
Reply to  EragonArya

With the new BT standards you have no delay you hear. Even if it was 3 seconds long, it doesn’t matter if there’s a single connection.

The battery life is worse in headphones, but in modern cell phones the BT continuous operation does not really notice in the battery life. I’d remember that on my wearables, but I’ll come over the day with or without a loose one.

11 months ago
Reply to  RiddickBln

Theoretically yes, but at least from personal experience I can say that the connection is still not optimal and I get another 2 to 4 hours more battery life on my phone when I turn off Bluetooth. I then hardly use the screen and listen to music, so that Bluetooth is the only significant power eater.

11 months ago

I just think about the first smartphones. 15 min BT and battery all XD

11 months ago

With some possible, but usually not. If, then this is expensive (with iPhone and 2 pairs of AirPods, for example). With cables you simply plug in a small distributor bush and take a second pair.

11 months ago
