Kopf gestoßen und jetzt?

Es ist jetzt knapp 28 Stunden her.

War gestern mit meinem Sohn im Schwimmbad dort war eine ziemlich schnelle Rutsche habe mir dort dann ziemlich arg den Kopf gestoßen. Hatte danach auch sofort Kopfschmerzen und Übelkeit ( diese kam aber denk ich weil ich so Angst hatte das was schlimmes passiert ist.)

Gestern Abend war die Übelkeit dann weg. Heute morgen noch leichte Kopfschmerzen jetzt keine mehr ( aber die stelle am Kopf wo ich mich gestoßen habe tut bei Berührung immer noch sehr weh.)

Sollte ich morgen doch lieber zum Bereitschaftsarzt gehen.

Hatte jemand schon mal sowas ähnliches?

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1 month ago

I think nobody wants to take responsibility here to give you a wrong advice. That’s why you do the only right thing and go to the standby doctor. If the nausea or severe headaches come in the night, don’t wait until tomorrow.

Next time after severe head start in connection with nausea equal to the doctor 🙂

1 month ago

I’d let it look so that you can exclude any concussion. One of the symptoms of this can be nausea.

1 month ago

So you were in pain, nausea and fear yesterday. You’re not a doctor.

Today it’s almost all gone, but you want to see the doctor.

I’m still grieving.

1 month ago

When did a concussion survive?

Complaints like headaches can be alleviated with medication.

After a concussion, 1 to 2 days of rest are important both physically and mentally.

A concussion usually sounds again without permanent damage.20.04.2021

https://gesund.bund.de› brains…

Brain shock in adults: symptoms, course, treatment

I’d be quiet the next day and lie rather and be careful.

In the end, however, you have to estimate the severity of your condition.

Lg And good improvement .⚘

1 month ago

Good evening first, usually you will get a bump (depending on the impact strength), so nothing bad. Sometimes you also have a concussion, but your brain seems to work very well if you can write us questions:-) is not badly meant

1 month ago

I’d let you look at this from an arse, because you never know what to get out of it