Kopf fühlt sich schwer an nach dem kiffen?
Mein Kopf fühlt sich hinten also Hinterkopf extrem schwer an und es fühlt sich so an als würde der sich drehen.
Generell habe ich das Gefühl gleich in Ohnmacht zu fallen.
Derealisationen hab ich auch, also hab ich generell oft auch nüchtern aber alles ist gerade so weit weg.
Ich hab schon sehr oft gekifft, aber das Gefühl hatte ich noch nie so extrem.
Nice to meet you again.
I still wanted to say that if you’re soberly suffering from heralization-like conditions, you should really take away cannabis. It is known to promote such states.
Maybe interesting: https://www.feel-ok.ch/cannabis-seiclever/
Going back quickly that is actually the typical effect. don’t understand how such a fun can be, but don’t worry as I said that soon goes away from itself
Man changes, the noise changes, often the amount becomes higher and the distances where you smoke smaller. This is a tolerance to the addiction and likes to lead to a addiction.
If it is no longer as “shocked” as before and there is a risk that the side effects will become worse to lasting, it will stop.
Depending on the quality, intensity and frequency, this will increase after consumption. Even with better quality, the experiences made are not better.
Then it’s time to stop
smart answer
The feeling disappears again when the effect decreases, but ciffs are always unhealthy when you make it regular.
I’ve done worse