Head permanently at 180?
Do you also have that feeling where your head constantly feels like it's at 180?
Like a hurricane or a carousel. So fast and so much that you can't even grasp the thoughts, but instead it feels like your head is about to explode or you'd rather rip it off.
Sometimes I feel like I'm getting a burnout from my own head
I’d advise you to take more breaks and reduce the stress. This has a negative impact on your health in the long term.
the problem is that I can’t do that by doing it
so I really want to relax
Yeah, that’s so-called continuous stress. I know what you mean. Maybe you can really get some work done and a day a week: bsp. Sunday just don’t do anything.
In the long run, this will pay off and it will let you relax.
do not last, but have such days
You can write a diary to sort your thoughts