Konzert Tickets trotz Bezahlung nicht angekommen?
ich habe Karten für das Konzert von Justin Bieber gekauft. Ich habe das Geld jetzt überwiesen und trotzdem steht da, dass ich das noch bezahlen muss. Meine Begleitperson und ich haben beide schon bezahlt. Ist das normal, dass ich immer noch keine Tickets bekommen habe?
It may take several business days from the time of transfer until payment is assigned to your order and the status in your order changes.
Okay, thanks. But it says that I have to pay for it in the next 3 days, otherwise they will be released. What if it’s not up until then? You know that by chance?
I was also like this (not at concert tickets). I ordered two books at the book box & got two “masks” that the order is canceled when I pay ned, while I paid it. That was about Easter, so the holidays. Just delayed.
Since yesterday was a holiday, it can be easy that the money needs a little longer to be transferred.
If it says you didn’t pay, you can wait until St. Nimmerleinstag until they send you.
Do you have a payment confirmation? Send an email there with the confirmation in the appendix and explain to them that they apparently have an error in the system. If necessary, also a screenshot to see that you are supposed to have not paid yet.
A bank transfer does not run with fingertips and has to be processed and sent out by the bank. So please be patient.