Kontrollieren Airlines was für eine Art Handgepäck man mit hat?
Fliege über Weihnachten nach Deutschland und habe einen billo Flug ohne jegliches Gepäck gebucht. Das Einzige, was ich also mitnehmen kann, ist ein Rucksack/eine Tasche, die unter meinen Sitz passen. Einen kleinen Handgepäck Koffer darf ich also theoretisch nicht mitnehmen. Aber meine Frage ist jetzt… wann/wo/ob sowas denn überhaupt kontrolliert wird? Gepäck aufgeben tue ich ja eh nicht und ich habe noch nie mitbekommen, dass eine Airline selber vor Check-In darauf Acht gibt. Hat jemand Erfahrung damit?
Sometimes you’re getting fished out at security, often not. It can still happen up to the gate that just before the entrance of one looks + aftermisses. I’ve been with others several times. Just because someone had 20 x of luck doesn’t mean nobody ever comes. If you want to have it stress-free, just book what you need and adhere to the requirements. Postage is really overpriced – then it is worth buying a hand luggage case in the correct measure.
No. Security does not control the baggage size. Nowhere, no one airport.
Wrong. It happened to me in Ibiza. The guy who was responsible for measuring the hand baggage case ran in the middle of the Security Check all over the people who were about to take their stuff back off the treadmill. He fished out those who undoubtedly had great measurements. So, don’t pretend you’re 24 hours each day at any airport in the world.
Of course, many airlines fly to Ibiza. Just because you lack the experience with something, you don’t think that exists. Sleep nice.
Certainly not. Because the guy doesn’t know where you’re sitting. does not just fly an airline from Ibiza;-)
Especially with low-cost aircraft is strictly controlled.
This is exactly controlled when entering the plane. If you have more to do than your rate, you have to pay.