Kontrolleure immer noch im zug?
Moin, Unzwar muss ich immer noch mit dem Zug zu meiner Ausbildungsstätte fahren und zahle deshalb immer sehr viel.
Und ich habe gehört dass während Corona die Deutsche Bahn keine Kontrolleure in ihren Nahverkehrszügen und S-Bahnen hat. Stimmt das? Ich möchte selbst verständlich nicht schwarz fahren sondern frage nur aus Interesse 😉
Controls are also currently taking place, although at a reduced level, but they are taking place, especially in IC/ICE as well as occasionally in local trains!
Also, black driving is still criminal and the current situation should not be exploited – after all, our company is not really making profits but losses at the moment.
Of course, only from interest… 😏
I drove from Krefeld to the Eifel yesterday and was not controlled back and forth. But on the Eifelbahn you can hardly see inspectors and in the RE7 for at least half a year also rarely.
However, I have heard from other trains that it will continue to be controlled, especially in long-distance transport (IC/EC/ICE)
But can it be that in local trains within 4 stations I would have to drive be controlled?
This depends on the train path and the train path (S/RB/RE/IRE) and in a RE can lie between four stations half an hour or more.
Stations are relative. From Hamburg Central Station you can not even leave the city area with RBs, for example, at 4 stations and come to Kiel with a certain RE with only 2 stops. Will say: A timeline might be more helpful.
6 minutes driving time, S-Bahn
Part/parts in some bus lines even apply free ride without card.* However, this must be published by the mode of transport.
In trains is sometimes less controlled.
However, it continues to be prosecuted as a criminal offence.
There are also still ticket controls, but sometimes less than before.