Kontoumzug mit Kontoschließung abwarten oder mit Sparkasse reden?
Hallo, ich hab die Bank gewechselt und jetzt hat die Sparkasse mir einen Brief geschickt dass sie gerne über meine aktuelle Situation sprechen wollen. Darf ich das ignorieren oder muss ich da vorbei gehen? Ich hab anscheinend ein Konto gehabt dass man nur während der Ausbildung haben darf und ich bin schon lange nicht mehr in einer Ausbildung. Meinen Bruder haben die eingeladen und hab dann instant eine neue Bank gefunden (C24) weil ich ganz bestimmt nicht wie ein NPC in meiner Freizeit zu denen in die Sparkasse gehen werde. Was könnte auf mich zu kommen?
Nothing. Announce and complete account.
Could anything come to me if I didn’t go? I used the Sparkassen account a little longer because it was free until the time and I didn’t know you could not use it outside the training or something? Because they used my youthful naivety back then.
I have to disagree. NIEMAND has taken advantage of you, but has provided you with an account for many years including service and advice on site. The account terms have been clearly defined and handed out in writing. You just missed deadlines and let it go. This is absolute and only your own thing. The bank could revoke account management fees here, but I am sure that this is not at all, but a financial planning or the like. Of course, you don’t have to go there, but it would still be a good sound that you don’t have any interest in the appointment because you’re gonna quit the account. The best way to complete the termination is to send it directly. Then the subject is done.
First of all, I didn’t say that you were obligated to do anything. I just answered your question. If the answer doesn’t suit you, it’s your problem. And you will find the ALL in the documents handed out to you. If you don’t do anything and the KOnto keeps you charged with fees that will eventually be forcefully enforced. You can let the three-six cool alienguy hang out here. Have fun.
They just changed my account to this Azubi shit without having agreed anything. I only opened an account at the time with 15 because I didn’t know better and went straight to the fucking savings bank. It was the same with a friend of mine.
In addition, you are not in the duty of the bank to share anything about his life situation.