Konto eventuell überzogen, was nun?
Ich bin im Besitz eines santander Giro kontos ohne dispo.
Ich bin Arbeitnehmerin und kriege pünktlich zum 30 mein Geld.
Am 27 überweise ich immer meine Miete. Durch ein paar Tierarzt Kosten Anfang des Monats, habe ich jetzt nur noch satte 49 Euro auf dem Konto. Ich war die Tage zuvor aber noch einkaufen, um die 56 Euro.
In zwei Tagen kriege ich mein Lohn, bei meinem Glück glaube ich aber, dass das Geld mir morgen oder heute abgerechnet wird.
Im Internet las ich nur von extrem hohen beiträgen- ich überzieh ja maximal an die 10 Euro. Lässt sich das denn überziehen? Ich hab noch nie mein Konto überzogen.
I’ve got an account like that, too, and I can’t handle anything. I then get a mail with the words, We couldn’t write off the amount.”
But it’s only two days. You can transfer amounts quickly if your wage is there.
Account dispositions (overdrafts) should be cleared with the account-leading financial institution.
A few € will be made for regular wage/content inputs.
However, the account-leading financial institution decides on this.
You never officially asked the bank a MRP loan, you mean?
Often banks give you a dispo without telling you. You can transfer your account to a certain amount. It’s over.
If the bank does not grant you any overdrawing of your account, the booking is rejected and rejected.
It happened to me years ago, I was shopping at an EDEKA and my account couldn’t be covered. At the time I was in training. Weeks later, a payment request came from the EDEKA accounting because the SEPA direct debit has not passed. I tried to pay with a current card.
Oh! They would then ask me by mail and I could transfer the money later if they couldn’t write it off?
That depends, in my case, it was like that, yeah. Most of the providers will probably send an email with a payment request or simply try the debit a few days later.
This depends on several factors whether the bank lets you pass through the debit. If financially otherwise everything is fine with you, it is often tolerated with such a low overdraft, since the expense of the reloading would be almost disproportionate. In case of doubt, you will already clarify this with your bank adviser in advance, then he can manually subsidize it and you are on the safe side.
Often, the bank makes so low overdrafts even without dispo.
Or they don’t.
It doesn’t cost much.
In order to avoid rebookings with additional costs in such overlaps, one should absolutely set up a small dispo.
You can tolerate a transfer of the smallest amounts, but it doesn’t have to.
then the rent is overmorning
Today is the 28th I’ve automatically transferred it yesterday and after the 1st it’s a little… 😐
An account can always be covered for the first time, but you can specify that this should not be allowed at the bank, then it will be changed.
Take care if you get your money the 10 Euro minus will be cancelled and finished.