Kontaktlinsen zyl wert?

Und zwar kommen meine Kontakte Linsen vom Fachmann erst in zirka 3 Wochen an, deswegen wollte ich mir billigere von Amazon bestellen für den Zeitraum, weil die kommen morgen und kosten nur um die 30€.

Es gibt aber nur maximale Zylinder Werte von -2,25 Cyl, aber meine Augen brauchen -2,75/-3,5 Cyl. Würde ich mit einem niedrigeren Wert trotzdem einigermaßen sehen oder muss der Wert für die Hornhautverkrümmung genau exakt sein? Danke für jede Hilfe!

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1 year ago

You should not only use the appropriate strengths, but also only exactly the contactlin sensors that were set during the adjustment. With all other lenses permanent damage can occur, so please do not make any changes in material, BC, DIA!

1 year ago

Ordering lentils on their own, i.e. without adjustment, always carries a risk. This is not only about whether you can see well with the lenses, but above all about material and fit. If these two factors are not correct, the lens can jamme the oxygen supply to your eyes. This can lead to incompatibility and also inflammation in the eye. Better would be, you wait for the three weeks and then really only wear the lenses that were adapted to you. So you can be sure you can see well. It would be annoying if that didn’t work with these lenses. It cannot be predicted because the interplay of eye and lens is complex and the visual values alone are not sufficient to judge.

1 year ago

I can only say, forget that, that goes 100% in the truest sense of the word. Strength is thought to be the most important in contact lenses. Wrong diameter, wrong radius, wrong lens type can cause irreparable eye damage. If you want to take this risk, you’ll order totally wrong lenses at Amazon.

1 year ago

I wouldn’t do that. Especially at higher cylinder values, this goes completely into the pants. Just wait until your lenses are there with the optician. Probably the still need to be adapted. Get away from it!