Kontaktlinsen mit falscher BC?


nachdem ich umgezogen bin, habe ich bei einem Optiker (Fielmann) angerufen, um mir neue Kontaktlinsen zu bestellen. Meinen Kontaktlinsenpass und auch meine sonstigen Kontaktlinsen habe ich zuvor immer bei Kind bestellt.

Die Mitarbeiterin von Fielmann meinte sie hätte meine bisherigen Kontaktlinsen nicht, aber andere von der Fielmann-Eigenmarke, welche aber auch passen würden (worauf ich sie bestellte). Hinterher ergänzte sie jedoch, dass die Basiskurve bei den neuen Linsen bei 8,4 läge, statt bei meinen sonstigen 8,6. Angeblich mache das keine Probleme.

Jetzt habe ich allerdings die Bestellbestätigung erhalten und mit diesen Daten gegoogelt, ob das wirklich kein Problem sei, wobei Wiedersprüche aufgetreten sind.

Was soll ich jetzt tun?

Ist eine veränderte Basiskurve von 0.2 schädlich? Andererseits sind die Linsen ja schon bestellt, also muss ich sie wohl auch kaufen.

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6 months ago

It speaks against this optician or his employee, simply by telephone to sell other lenses to a customer than those originally adapted elsewhere.

The good woman or one of her colleagues has never seen your eyes before, so there are no data from an adjustment. Thus, the circumstances cannot be judged absolutely, the more irresponsible + more discardable it is to make changes and thus make you a test rabbit.

You should not use these contact lenses recommended for good luck, but cancel the order and turn to a conscientious optician.

6 months ago

Thanks for the award!

6 months ago
Reply to  sashman119

I can only underline that.

6 months ago

Fielmann’s employee said she didn’t have my previous contact lenses, but others from the Fielmann brand, which would also fit (who I ordered them).

Is a modified base curve of 0.2 harmful?

That’s unprofessional and not all right. Any change from the once adapted lens requires a new adjustment. This relates to all parameters, whether BC, DiA or the lens material per se.

On the other hand, the lenses are already ordered, so I must buy them.

This should not be your problem, but that of the incapable employee or shop that employs such people.

My advice is to find an optician who understands what he’s doing.

6 months ago

You’re welcome.

6 months ago

I can only join my previous speakers.

You should also contact customer service

Telephone: 0800 343 56 26 (free)

E-mail: customer service@fielmann.com

so that no contact lenses will be delivered to new customers in the future without measuring their eyes.

6 months ago

Sure. But you should really do that, so that no other new customer is created (eye) damage. The fact that you’ve got to googled after the BC makes hardly any customer.

6 months ago

There is only one answer for me: completely irresponsible what this woman has done. Almost, I would have said, totally typical of Filialists.