Kontaktlinsen beim Schwimmen tragen?
Ich habe weiche Tageslinsen. Jedes Mal als ich schwimmen gegangen bin, hatte ich sie zuvor rausgenommen. Es ist aber echt nervig, weil ich so um die -2 Dioptrien habe und es macht gar keinen Spaß mit Brille ins Wasser zu gehen. Geht das in Ordnung, wenn etwas Wasser in meine Augen gelangt und ich meine Kontaktlinsen zuhause sofort entferne?
Going swimming with day lenses is the best option to see well. It’s not bad when some water gets into the eye – but you’re sure to deal with your eye health when you get the day-CL right after swimming – because chlorine and salt water drops harm the lenses, and also lakes and rivers contain germs/bacteria that put themselves in your eyes with the lenses.
Why do you wear contact lenses or glasses when swimming? You don’t have to be able to look far, at least not with optimal visual acuity.
I get bad, I barely see my friends/family and it just makes less fun
If you don’t lose the contact lenses while swimming, you don’t mind. Why don’t you take a swim glasses over it?
It must have both its advantages and disadvantages. With contact lenses, you cannot submerge and are constantly afraid to lose them. After that, you must also replace them, which is not the problem with day lenses. Actually, they are best suited for swimming.
One possibility would possibly also be to wear a swim glasses that give you more freedom and safety in the water. Otherwise, day lenses in the swimming pool, which are then disposed at home, are probably not the big problem for the eyes.
With -2 dioptrics, swimming without visual aid is not the great pleasure, but still goes to the need to some extent. With significantly higher strength, this looks different.
It also depends on what you want to swim: have fun in the water with friends, lay down your lanes, etc., in addition, which is more pleasant or less unpleasant.
If you get rid of the day lenses after swimming, nothing is against it. It shouldn’t be much time. It’s best to paratute the replacement glasses when you move.
I have a soft monthly lens and I always go swimming with them. You shouldn’t go diving with open eyes, but if there’s a lot of water in your eyes, nothing happens
there are also swimming glasses that should hold a lot if they are as dense as they should be.