
Hi, ich habe letztens versucht meine Kontaktlinsen einzusetzen, hatte dann aber Zeitdruck und habe sie zurück in den Behälter getan. Es sind Tageslinsen, darf ich sie nochmal einsetzen oder sind die nicht mehr brauchbar?

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7 months ago

What container? Day lenses are available for single use in a blister with a sterile solution. If this is opened, the solution is no longer sterile! To do this, you take the lens with your finger, try to put it in the eye. The day lens is therefore no longer sterile.

If you don’t want to hurt your eyes, please throw them away.

7 months ago

have they done back into the container. These are day lenses, can I use them again or are they no longer usable?

Dispose is the only right thing.

7 months ago

I wouldn’t use it again.