Kontakt zu Oberarzt?
ich habe noch Kontakt zu einem Oberarzt aus der Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und habe den letztens in seinem Büro besucht. Was denkt ihr, wieso der immer noch Kontakt hält? Ich war halt ein richtig übler Fall mit besch*ssenem Elternhaus (Alkoholismus der Mutter, Tod des Vaters, viel Gewalt, auch sexuelle Gewalt) und Jugendamt war involviert. Jetzt studiere ich Medizin und das weiß er.
Yes and why the question mark now? Is the doctor questionable or you?
You can have contacts with the most diverse people. It’s nice to meet again and again and see how it goes. Then everyone tells what he has experienced and achieved. You go his way and look forward to the next time. Maybe you’ll be colleagues.
Ask him if you have any contact.
This can be purely professional interest, how should he learn from cases if he does not know how people have developed after treatment.
But it can also be a more private interest he has just won you and wants to know how you are today.
Probably it is a mixture of both, and he can’t separate it 100%.
Maybe you’re just a friendly person?
MfG, Codeline
I’ll write some weird stuff.
That’s your problem, and maybe you shouldn’t…
I don’t know
are you threatening him?
Yes bad things