Kontakt abbrechen, wenn ich nicht kriege was ich will?
Wenn ich jemanden date und die Person sich nicht verhält wie ich es wünsche, dann breche ich den Kontakt ab. Z.B. Absage eines Termins dulde ich nicht, fühle mich verraten und es greift mich persönlich an. Ist das normal?
No. You want to work on it?
People hurt people without wanting to. Those who are not willing and able to invest the energy in order to say and work on it have not earned any relationships.
Good that you know where the door is 😉
If you don’t care about a relationship, of course you can behave like that, but I doubt it doesn’t matter to you 😉
That sounds like a good way to be very lonely at some point. Well, you do.
What is that thinking? It’s toxic to ten. This is ultimately your problem if the person doesn’t behave as you want…. Are you acting like yours expecting you? Of course not. Breaking the contact after it is very shameful and witnessing a lack of self-confidence…. which is to be buried by manipulation of the opposite.
What happened in your past?
It sounds almost narcissistic. by yourself already the words you choose, so that you will turn your towards.
And now?
Yes narcissistic, I already thought. Consider that in the future you not only harm you, but also your entire environment. I wish you all the best and the insight. 🍀
🤣🤣 The woman is so friendly to me 🤣🤣
Find it ok and understandable but for me that would not be reason enough
Can you do, everyone has a free will. However, others also have, so with this behavior one will stay on the track sooner or later.
Pretty childish. Or exaggerated vanity.
Normal is not necessarily.
Absolutely not, you seem to have problems with yourself.
No, you’re a cheap macho!
The world is not only about you, but all others are important.
You’re not worth letting yourself in!