Konservative Erziehung?
Ist es eine konservative Erziehung wenn die Eltern das Kind mal geschlagen haben? Bzw. ist es gerecht sie dann konservative a*schlöcher zu nennen?
Ist es eine konservative Erziehung wenn die Eltern das Kind mal geschlagen haben? Bzw. ist es gerecht sie dann konservative a*schlöcher zu nennen?
Hello, A short time ago my family (not me) got my brother-in-law to help me with my apartment, which I'm about to give notice to because it had to be painted, and just because I had my hands in my pockets he said: "I can't stand seeing you with your hands in your pockets as…
Mutter ist Schülerin. über wen kind versichern?
Wie vermeidet man Streit an Weihnachten?
My mother received a criminal complaint yesterday. The complaint was not included, only the written statement. So we don't know what I did. I can only remember when I violated data protection rights and made very, very serious homophobic statements. What do you think is going to happen to me?
Hallo ich habe Probleme mit meiner Mutter. Ich möchte Volleyballkurse besuchen. Aber meine Mutter ist dagegen. Sie sagt, dass ich es nicht brauche und ich muss zum Tanz gehen, ich finde tanzen nicht so gut. Was kann ich tun?
Yeah, that’s a conservative education method.
Yes, you can also tell them that they mistreat their child and can make you inform about shelters for children.
Neither. If you insult your parents, there’s nothing wrong with them! If your parents beat you, they’re just helpless – no more.
Conservative education takes place when traditions are lived when it is important what the neighbors might think and if the child has to go to the gymnasium.
When your parents beat you, turn to the Youth Office! Or show your parents by police! You can’t beat yourself.