Konntet ihr bei eurer eigenen Beschneidung zusehen?
Ich habe bei meiner eigenen Beschneidung zugesehen, da es mich interessiert hat und schon oft beim Nähen von Schnittwunden zugesehen habe.
Bei meiner Urologin steht in einem Behandlungszimmer so ein Gynstuhl. Nun meine Frage: Zu welcher Untersuchung müsste ich auf den Gynstuhl? Bisher gehe ich regelmässig zur Prostatavorsoge, aber diese finden zum Glück auf der Liege auf der Seite statt. Hat jemand schon (Mann/Frau) beim Urologen/in auf diesem Stuhl untersucht werden müssen? Und zu welchen Anlass?
Wenn ich mastubiere ist meine wixxa leicht gründlich grün habe ich irgendeine übertragbare Krankheit von der ich wissen muss ?
Hallo, wollte mal fragen ob jemand ähnliche Probleme und vor allem Lösungen dafür hat / hatte bzw. noch Tipps was man noch machen könnte: ich habe jetzt seit 2 Jahren Erektionsstörungen. Er wird weder allein noch zu zweit noch nachts / morgens hart. Zusätzlich habe ich auch seit jener Zeit überhaupt kein Sexuelles Interesse mehr….
Hey, ich bin 13 und habe seit ein paar Jahren kleine Pickel oder Unebenheiten auf meinem Hoden. Es sind ziemlich viele und sie haben manchmal gejuckt, aber tun nicht weh oder so. Ist das normal in meinem Alter? Gehen die irgendwann weg? Was kann ich dagegen machen?
Ich habe mehrfach im Internet gelesen und auch hin und wieder erzählt bekommen, dass man unter Umständen beim Urologen als Mann befriedigt wird. Das soll angeblich z.B. bei Routineuntersuchungen die Potenz prüfen und wird mit der Hand oder einem Masturbator gemacht. Stimmt dieses Gerücht? Werden vergleichbare Dinge gemacht bzw was ist das schlimmste was gemacht…
Hallo ich männlich 18 habe seit einigen Tagen manchmal wenn ich liege ein stechen im linken Hoden. Ich habe ihn daraufhin mal abgetastet und habe festgestellt, dass da irgendetwas neben dem Hoden ist. Kann aber nicht genau beschreiben, was man da fühlt. Ich wollte mal fragen wie ich das erkenne, dass ich Hodenkrebs hab. Kostet…
But I was only ten years old. It was even questionable whether it was made in the state of watch under local anaesthesia or under general anaesthesia.
Fortunately, my parents chose the first. Of course I was flat on the OP line. Above my belly, i.e. between my upper body and my lower body half, a light metal frame was erected to which a vertical cloth was attached. So I couldn’t see what the surgeon did down there on me. But I first felt two indentations and saw and heard before and during the intervention “Drumherum”.
In particular, I remember how the doctor placed my abraded foreskin on a clamp out of the surgical zone on the instrument table in a bowl. The very clear picture of this second burned into my memory: My bright, one-sided, only slightly bloody, according to my childish impression “great” foreskin, a real “look” there and “different” from me.
I was actually at this moment too enthusiastic about the thing, euphoric, because the hated thing was now really “ab” and incredibly happy and relieved. In this respect, I have been objectively restricted and not at all at all at the actual cut, but nevertheless spiritually, intellectually and mentally very intensively “viewed”.
As a 25-year-old medical student, after my circumcision until then (i.e. for 15 years) I have unfortunately asymmetric and thus unevenly “lock” Let the remaining rest of my inner prefabricated sheet be corrected by my professor (since cosmetically excellent, tight and even “low&tight”). Of course, I was very interested in this surgery (and about seven fellow students too) and learned “on my own body” much more for my own future OP work (circumcisions) than later in the seminars and internships concerned.
This is my very personal experience. The below statement on “Where I know this” (that I am a urologist) was completed automatically. It is pre-formulated for my medical advice otherwise given here. This is not the case; here “own experience” should be. Because it’s just about my very individual story.
Thank you.
… and thank you for the star! ⭐
Can you just ask the surgeon if he can leave the cloth?
I’m sure you can ask. That he’s going on is doubtful. There are very rarely exceptions – especially in the case of proven professional medical interest (as in my case). And it is to make sure that the patient has grown absolutely – so during surgery does not make sudden movements caused by what he sees. This main risk is not entirely eliminated. In the slightest case of doubt, the surgeon will therefore refuse to watch the patient.
You were in real spectators.
I want the circumcision to be 100%, and I don’t have any problems with blood. Be sure to ask him
Whether I was allowed to watch my circumcision was not a debate. This was done with me in the context of an appendix operation in general anesthesia. Too bad, it would have liked to have seen, at least from today’s point of view.
Was cut with 11 because of a constriction.
The complete program
Did you just ask the doctor and how did he react?
I personally find it very interesting to see a circumcision. I saw some videos.
In my own circumcision, however, I would not want to do this because there is a risk that the cycle will be scrapped. So I didn’t want to see my circumcision.
If you can’t see blood, it might be better not to watch. I don’t care, so I watched
When I was cut, I was 5 or 6 years old. I’m very grateful that I got a general anesthesia. Has and have zero to look at operations. I think I’m creepy.
Hi, I was not allowed to watch though I would have liked to do it, I have no problems with blood or wounds.
The doctor didn’t want it, he thought he had experienced quite different things.
That there were patients who were collapsing him, and there he would have more work as with circumcision, even logical.
But I asked for the final result before the association came to see it.
Then what he left.
I could have been crying for luck when I saw the final result.
The first circumcision with 16 was made in the hospital under general anesthesia. Over a year ago, I had 27 correct my circumcision. This was done under local anesthesia. Above my chest was a frame with a tray for surgical equipment like scalpel etc. This blocked the look of God’s thanks, because I didn’t want to see how my part is cut around. Was already excited enough. 🙈
I was not allowed to watch in my aftermath. There was a cloth stretched. At my first circumcision, no cloth was stretched and I could watch.
It’s weird when you look and someone works on your penis. But found it really interesting and exciting.
Once yes,
Once no.
I found the look very interesting. But it was at the Frenulum.
No, I’ve had such a cloth so I couldn’t see anything. But I don’t know if I’d like to see this…
No could not have stretched a cloth over there. And, unfortunately, it was also put to sleep in the OP room.
I can’t see blood. So if there’s a stupid idea for an operation.
I saw the circumcision of my son
How old was your son?
And what was the reason for his circumcision?
Almost 2 phimoses
When I was in the OPSaal, a sister just caught a cloth over my belly, so I couldn’t see anything.
Unfortunately no was a cloth before
Been outpatiently done with local anesthesia, I could see everything.
I found it totally interesting and exciting as the doctor worked on my penis.
I also 🤫
Would be made under full acosis
War in Naekose