Könnten Fluggerätelektroniker und oder Fluggerätmechaniker auch Autos reparieren?
Gibt es im Ausbildungsberuf des Fluggerätelektronikers und oder Fluggerätmechanikers mit dem Schwerpunkt Instandhaltung, überschneidende Inhalte mit der Kfz-Mechatronik, so das Fluggerätelektroniker und oder Fluggerätmechaniker (verständlicherweise zwar keinen Pkw komplett reparieren und instandhalten können, da sie keine Kfz-Mechatroniker sind, aber), zumindest vieles eines Autos reparieren und instandhalten können?
Hoffe ihr habt mich verstanden. 😁
Yeah, that’s possible. However, the aircraft engineer or -Electricians need to work into the motor vehicle issue.
By the way, the motor mechatronics also have to. In the first 3 years after the training, motorists teach much more about repair.
Is an electronic for energy and building technicians and repair my car yourself, no matter what it is. You don’t need any overlaps with your own profession to the KFTZ mechatronic, you just need technical understanding, sufficient tools, access to technical data of the KFZ manufacturer and someone with experience that you can access if you don’t get any further.
Let’s say that. Through his training he has a good knowledge. He will work very quickly under the guidance of an experienced mechanic. In addition, there are very detailed illustrated instructions on cars as well as on aircraft, today also electronically.
Of course, an aircraft mechanic and electronic engineer has a lot of technical understanding and is likely to be able to think in a car as well and, if necessary, to make some of his own with the right tools and devices, which the Ottonormal consumer cannot do.
However, probably not so much more than in other technical professions, because cars and aircraft work very differently, especially in new cars, you need many special tools and devices (e.g. for reading out the fault memory and resetting the control trumpet), which are of course well paid by manufacturers, and to which the aircraft engineer naturally does not get better ram by his profession than anyone else, except of course Kfz Mechatroniker.
What we have understood in any case, even with regard to the last questions, is that you just mean to take the whole world at once somehow.
This will certainly not work and maybe do You’ll finish your currently running school and walk. That was exactly what I wrote to you about 22 years and master school and that’s exactly what makes a 22-year-old, but not a master!
In training for aircraft electronics, no cars, but aircraft are treated.
If the person concerned manages to do this, he will also be so clever within limits to think into cars if he has enough manuals.
Aircraft electricians work with documents.
If you want to fly with it, then yes.
I’m an industrial mechanic, yet I’m not going to an auto engine or a gear. I lack the knowledge. This is not different for nem flyer mechanic
In training for the aircraft mechanic, one learns the construction and function of motors, including normal motors of cars. In practice, however, one learns nothing concrete, which can be practical in the car.
A workshop is certainly of interest for conventional maintenance and repairs. In more complex things, however, I do not know how well an aircraft mechanic or Electricians can keep there.
The differences are simply too large. A flint mechanic cannot even weld a cot.
…this is by no means self-evident in KFZ mechatronics, welding is no longer one of the basic courses.
Oh, really.
Of course, some can, just as some bakers, butchers or surgeons can.
Don’t understand what you mean.
Very simple: If someone has any idea of matter, he can also repair a car, regardless of what profession he has. Man doesn’t have to be a car mechatronic to have an idea of the car electrical.
then it won’t be with cars!