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I don’t know if he can crash his plane, but “with” he determines – he’s not immortal and the plane / the helicopter is not flying against accidents.
And even the rescue capsule – if there is it – would not help him much, since most accidents happen when starting and landing, so close to or on the ground and those that happen during the trip are usually those where you have no time at all to make a relatively complicated “incoming maneuver”.
But seriously, who would really want to save Trump?
Theoretically, like any aircraft, the Air Force One can also subdue, from technical or human failure.
In practice, however, this is unlikely: fly is anyway the safest way of traveling, and the machine of an American head of state becomes monitors both on board and remote maintenance from the ground, so “double” still more secure as a normal plane. In addition, no other aircraft may be located in the vicinity of the trajectory, that a collision is also considerably more unlikely here.
One Rescue Capsules, but you do not know that even in the event that all pilots on board are no longer operational, the Air Force One can be flew away from the ground and landed remotely.
Any machine can cause accidents. In 2010, the Polish President of the State was also fatally misfortune at the landing.
But if Trump would meet, he would probably tweet before that it was the greatest crash ever.
Sure, he could.
Whether he would survive the crash depends on the type of crash.
Yeah, if he were out, he could crash on his plane.
Even if he was totally drunk, he could even crash in or with his and his plane.
And yes, he could even be saved.
I think the Air Force One has a rescue capsule!!! I just read
that there are only in the movie, but in real not!!!
Why do you think it anyway? A rescue capsule isn’t available for planes, would be totally insane.
He has an emergency exit with parachute.
And if the parachute does not rise, he takes another one the next time.
Of course.