Könnte sich durch einen vag. Ultraschall der V.a. Endometriose verschärfen?

Also kann man theoretisch durch Auffälligkeiten einen Verdacht erhalten oder sieht man bei einem Ultraschall nichts Auffälliges?

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7 months ago


We call things here by name. Please get used to this.

And no, a vaginal ultrasound is neither trigger nor amplifier for endometriosis. So much for your question in the headline.

… which has nothing to do with your question in the text. That is the answer: yes.

You can then get a suspicion by vulnerabilities (which you can see in the investigation). If there are any complaints and symptoms, a diagnosis is made. That’s how medicine works.

An indication of endometriosis is dense vaginal mucosa and yes, so what can be seen and measured on ultrasound.

7 months ago
Reply to  Markus373

As far as I know, the relevant guidelines stipulate that for a definitive diagnosis tissue must be removed (BS) and tested for endometriosis.
In some cases, the endometriosis is already well recognizable in vaginal ultrasound – but in this case it remains a suspicion diagnosis. Does not mean that per se a abdominal mirroring should always be carried out, since it can in some cases also cause more damage than that it uses (snoring etc.).