Könnte mir jemand bei dieser Aufgabe zur Schaltfunktion helfen?

Guten Tag, könnte mir jmd vllt bei der folgenden Aufgabe weiterhelfen?

Danke im Voraus.

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9 months ago

This is a truth table, but vertically constructed. You orientate at a column and thus determine the terms for the output f(x1…) = 1 where the output = 0 is, you can ignore it for the KDNF.


This is also the KDNF. It contains all variables in terms, is OR Linked and shows you the equations for which the output f(x1,x2,x3) = 1 is.

In the KV diagram, there are various methods to draw/create the KV panel. I don’t want to mess you up here. You should be guided by your teaching documents and, if necessary, in the reading or in the web.

The function is then simplified via the KV diagram.