Could someone please answer these questions about 1929?

  1. Explain why economic development had serious political consequences for the Weimar Republic.
  2. Imagine the following situation: A group of job seekers in the queue in front of the employment office, including the metalworker Karl Döhler, begins to discuss. Who

Who is responsible for the crisis? List possible groups of people and explain why.

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2 years ago

The economic crisis in the 1920s had serious political consequences for the Weimar Republic. The crisis had its origin in the USA when the stock exchange rates collapsed in October 1929 and triggered a wave of bankruptcies and mass redundancies. This led to a global economic crisis and a strong increase in unemployment and poverty in Germany.

The political consequences were numerous: The reputation of the Weimar Republic was damaged as it was considered unable to cope with the crisis. The increase in unemployment and poverty led to an increase in social unrest and political tensions.

The Weimar Government had difficulty taking the necessary measures to overcome the crisis, as it could not reach a consensus solution due to the strong political polarisation in Germany and political instability.

In the group of job seekers, possible groups of persons responsible for the crisis could be the government, banks, companies and even the political parties. The government could be blamed for its inability to cope with the crisis, while banks and businesses could be held responsible for their profit and failure to show responsible action. Political parties could be held responsible for their political instability and lack of capacity to reach a consensus solution.

2 years ago

The consequences of the First World War at the beginning, and later the global economic crisis also reduced demand for consumer goods and led to declines in production and further dismissals. Unemployment is very worrying. From the fall of 1927, the crisis increased dramatic proportions. Later, in 1931, an average of 100,000 people lost their jobs every month.

In mid-1932 nearly 23 million Germans (36% of the population) received state support. The London Declaration of May 1921 had estimated the total debt of Germany to 132 billion Reichsmark. She also saw the “returnable payment” of 12 billion gold mark plus another billion interest. The government of the Weimar Republic could not fulfil these obligations. Germany had little income without external trade. For fear of the government, for the purpose of fulfilling allied demands, the taxes could increase unreasonably, wealthy Germans invested their capital abroad. Capital flow and government deficit also fueled inflation. In November 1922, Weimar asked for a cancellation of its cash payments.

The total-allied repair commission declared Germany incapable of payment. French troops now entered the Ruhr area, from which almost 80% of German coal, steel and pig iron production came. In an act of civil resistance, the workers and employees there began a spontaneous strike. This allowed the number of Germans reliant on state aid to continue to fall rapidly and production continues. The French invasion of the Ruhr region resulted in the German banknotes becoming practically worthless paper. Inflation raised the savings of German citizenship.

2 years ago
  1. The butter got too expensive. Then a revolt broke out in a dairy. This protest spread to the whole country.
  2. Guilt is always those who ask the wrong questions.
2 years ago
Reply to  Guccinator
  1. The Weimar Republic had to pay reparation payments of 269 billion gold mark to the victorious powers. In addition, the Ruhr area was occupied and hyperinflation was raised. In addition, Stieg’s number of unemployed also rose rapidly, resulting in the extreme parties like the NSDAP promised to eliminate the maladministration and thus received more and more votes. The Nazis use the fears and worries of the people to overthrow the Democratic Republic of Weimar. Thus the Weimar Republic disintegrated with the rise of Adolf Hitler and the NSDAP.
2 years ago

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